Nutrition Coaching

What is Nutrition Coaching?

Nutrition coaching of various types can be found all over the internet and through various healthcare providers. The type of nutrition coaching I focus on uses an individualized balance of macronutrient targets that can be used to help each client achieve their specific aesthetic and health goals.

As your coach, I can help you:

  • To eat more healthfully, and in a balance that will help you to achieve sustainable progress in either weight loss or gain
  • Use scientific knowledge about the components that make up foods to help you balance your diet, and make necessary lifestyle changes
  • Help with practical techniques to hit macro targets to maximize results and ensure adherence

After you choose the right plan for the amount of support you need, you can click the button below to enroll. Fill out the form in as much detail as possible! It will help to figure out the best way for you to get started.

After you fill out the enrollment form, choose your plan below and submit your payment. Within 24 hours, you will receive your welcome e-mail, a welcome video from me, food lists, access to the Online Accountability Group, and more!

Choose Your Plan

Want more information? Keep reading…

Why Macronutrients?

Dieting can be difficult as it is. The notion of having to restrict certain foods and change your lifestyle to potentially achieve some physical or health goals can be mentally trying. By focusing on macronutrients to achieve your goals, you are focusing on the 3 main components necessary for every human to function optimally. Bonus: all nutrition labels will have these 3 components clearly defined (even if they are “zero”). What are the 3 main macronutrients?

  • Protein
  • Carbs
  • Fats

Additionally, water and alcohol play a role in overall health and ability to achieve goals and maintain results.

Each of these macronutrients has a purpose. A more in-depth view of the function of each of these will be provided upon sign-up. With nutrition coaching, it is not only about providing a meal plan, or some numbers, but also showing you why those numbers are important. The process isn’t meant to be a quick fix, but teach you the skills you need to eat for life! I am willing to bet that you will start noticing that some of the foods you deemed to be “healthy” are less healthy than you assumed. We will grow through this process together.

What we will aim to get across during our time together is that no food is inherently “bad”. There may be a few exceptions to this, but in order to make changes I think it is important to take stock of the fact that we cannot be perfect all of the time. The macronutrients allow you to eat foods that you enjoy as long as they fit in your goals. To clarify, I will always advocate for the healthiest options to hit your macro targets, but let’s be realistic – are you going to go your whole life without eating another slice of birthday cake or having a cheeseburger? Probably not.

How does this work for you?

Therefore, based on a variety of characteristics, your goals, and other factors, we will determine a macro balance that will be right for you. You will get to eat carbs, in the right amounts, same for fats and proteins. There are no “bad” sources of carbs… yes, you can eat bread! However, we will work together to choose the foods that help you achieve a balanced lifestyle, hit your goals, stay satiated, and adhere long-term.

The beauty of counting macros against a goal provided by a coach is you really have the flexibility to still eat the things you love. You may have to eat smaller servings, or you may have to pick and choose which foods to eat in a day, but you are not required to eliminate anything. What you will likely find is that you naturally limit foods that aren’t as friendly to your numbers, so that you can maximize what you’re working with.

Do I need to buy supplements or do certain exercise programs?

In terms of supplements, you are not going to be asked to add anything into your diet by way of shakes, pills, wraps, waist trainers, vitamin capsules, or anything like that. What I have found in my experience is that most things can be cured with food – weight loss or gain alike. You won’t be required to participate in any workout program, but I do think exercise is great just from a health and longevity perspective. But hear me, you do not need to add in any additional activity in order to have success.

Do I have to be located nearby for you to be my coach?

Nope! This entire process can happen entirely online. That is the beauty of this approach. But don’t worry, you’ll have your online accountability group to help keep you on track and answer questions you have between check-ins.

These are the main things to consider before joining a macronutrient-based nutrition coach on your journey to your goals. More information will be provided once you sign up and you will be given everything you need to accomplish great things.

Ready to take the plunge? Scroll back up and enroll.

Credentials: NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist

Currently accepting only 10 clients at a time. If you would like testimonials, or referrals from current clients, please feel free to contact me directly at